Lavender is a unique cooking ingredient that adds a subtle floral essence to flavors. It is mostly used to improve the taste of desserts. But why not include it in drinks as well?
Lavender syrup is an ingenious way to add a floral flavor with a bit of sweetness to many different beverages.
It’s simple to make at home and fills your kitchen with a garden-fresh scent. So, here’s how to make lavender syrup at home!
What’s a Homemade Lavender Syrup?
Homemade lavender syrup is a liquid sweetener from dried lavender, sugar, and water. It’s ideal for sweetening and adding floral flavor to hot and cold beverages.
The syrup is actually ideal for iced drinks because it’s liquid and will mix well instead of sinking to the bottom like sugar. It can be used for:
- Cocktails
- Lavender latte
- Lemonade
- Iced tea
- Sparkling water
- Frosting
- Whipped cream
- Topping for desserts
How to Make Lavender Syrup With Fresh Lavender?
Here’s what you’ll need to craft it:
- Saucepan
- Measuring cup
- Mesh strainer
- A jar that seals or a glass bottle
- 1 cup water
- 2 cups sugar
- 3 tablespoons of lavender flowers
As we mentioned, the process of making syrup is easy. You just need to put the lavender and water in a saucepan and bring them to a boil. Then, reduce the heat and stir in the sugar. Let it sit like this for about 15 minutes.
Remove the saucepan from the heat and set aside for at least one hour or until you get the flavor you like. Remove the lavender. Refrigerate the lavender syrup after pouring it into a glass bottle.
Extra Tips
You’ll probably need a little bit more than just one cup of water. And if you want to make more syrup, double the ingredients.
When selecting lavender, look for buds that are yet to bloom. The buds should be purple but wrapped to get the perfect aromatic qualities. Look for culinary lavender when shopping.
But if you want to ensure you’re using organic lavender, you can grow lavender from seed at home. This way, you’ll know the lavender isn’t sprayed with pesticides or other harmful chemicals.
Of course, you can also use dried lavender, which is available at natural food stores.
If you want to make lavender syrup with essential oil, you can always add rosemary oil to this recipe. This recipe is ideal for those who grow their own rosemary. The two herbs complement each other perfectly, and you can use the combination in any drink recipe.
So, if you know how to make rosemary essential oil, you can add 2-3 drops to your lavender syrup.
How to Get Purple Color?
The lavender syrup doesn’t turn purple on its own. Instead, the lavender color is amber or golden brown, sometimes a little green. The color depends on how fresh the buds are, whether they are bought or homegrown, and the plant variety.
Allowing the lavender to steep for an extended period results in a deeper color. But if you want a lovely purple color, the best thing is to add one drop of blue and two drops of red liquid food coloring to the water while boiling or after your syrup cools down.
How to Make Lavender Syrup for Coffee?
If you’re like most Americans and enjoy drinking 2 cups of coffee each day, you’ll love this recipe for your cup of Joe. Use it to make a soothing cup of lavender latte and start your day right.
For the lavender syrup for four servings, you’ll need the following:
- ¾ cup water
- One tablespoon of dried lavender
- ½ cup of sugar
- One tablespoon of vanilla extract
- A dash of salt
For the lavender latte, you’ll need the following:
- Espresso 40 ml
- One tablespoon of lavender syrup
- Eight ounces of steamed milk
- Small pot
- Mugs
- Measuring spoons
- Measuring cups
All ingredients should be measured and prepared. Then, you can start with your lavender syrup recipe. Fill the pot halfway with water and dried lavender. Bring to a boil, reduce to a low heat, and leave it like that for at least four minutes.
Remove from the heat and set aside to cool. Next, remove the lavender, and combine the lavender water with sugar. Bring to a boil, reduce to a low heat and continue boiling for at least four minutes. Make sure the sugar dissolves.
Remove from the heat and thoroughly whisk in the vanilla extract and salt. Allow it to cool. Make your latte by combining syrup and espresso in a cup and topping it with steamed milk.
How to Make Lavender Syrup for Lemonade?
This refreshing lavender lemonade is made with water, lemon juice, and fresh lavender syrup.
You already know how to make homemade lavender syrup. So, once cooled, combine it with six cups of water, and the lemon juice in a large pitcher. Mix until thoroughly combined.
Add one to two drops of purple food coloring to get the classic lavender color. You can garnish with fresh sprigs of lavender and lemon slices. Any leftovers should be refrigerated.
Of course, you can change the recipe to suit your preferences. For example, add more syrup or lemon juice to make it more tart or sweet.
You can also spice up your lavender lemonade by adding a splash of champagne, gin, or vodka, depending on your preferred type of alcohol.
Can You Make Lavender Syrup Without Sugar?
The good news is that you can make a sugar-free lavender syrup using stevia or honey. We prefer honey, so our recipe will include honey.
Ours is a simple homemade honey lavender syrup recipe that you can mix with your morning espresso at home! Also, this syrup is excellent for cocktails.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- A half cup of honey
- A half cup of water
- Two tablespoons of dried or fresh lavender buds
We suggest using unprocessed, raw honey since it contains more nutrients than processed honey.
In a small saucepan, heat water until it’s hot, but be careful not to boil it. Stir in the lavender and honey until the honey is dissolved. Remove from the heat and set aside for an hour or so.
Pour the syrup into an airtight container after straining it through a fine mesh sieve. This recipe yields approximately half a cup of syrup. If you refrigerate it, it can last for up to two weeks.
Wrapping Up
If you follow our instructions, you’ll be able to make your own aromatic lavender syrup in no time.
So, what are you waiting for? Now that you’ve learned how to make homemade lavender syrup, it’s time to invite your friends for unique cocktails with a twist!
Does homemade lavender syrup need to be refrigerated?
If you want it to last longer, the answer is yes.
The simple syrup should be kept in the refrigerator. It has a shelf life of up to one month when stored properly in a tightly sealed jar or airtight container.
How do you keep a simple syrup from molding?
It would help if you got an airtight container. And it’s best to store your homemade syrup in a sealed glass jar, like a Mason jar. And remember to clean the container thoroughly.
Put the syrup mixture in the refrigerator. Your simple syrup’s shelf life will be determined by the cleanliness of the container and the amount of sugar in the mixture.
Why is my lavender syrup bitter?
The most common error is to combine the lavender, water, and sugar at the beginning. This way, the lavender gets overcooked, making the syrup bitter.
When learning how to make lavender syrup, you should know that lavender buds should not actually be boiled — you only want to get a hint of lavender.